Cloud-Native Streaming Platform: Apache Kafka Meets Kubernetes

A presentation at Cloud-Native Data Day in December 2018 in Boston, MA, USA by Viktor Gamov

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Cloud-Native Streaming Platform: Apache Kafka Meets Kubernetes @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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#devkafkaops @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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@gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Don’t despair… “… not even over the fact that you don't despair. Just when everything seems over with, new forces come marching up, and precisely that means that you are alive” Franz Kafka @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Kafka Streaming Architecture Fundamentals

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@gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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@gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Shard data to get scalability Producer (1) Producer (2) Producer (3) Messages are sent to different partitions Cluster of machines Partitions live on different machines @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Linearly Scalable Architecture Producers Single topic: - Many producers machines - Many consumer machines - Many Broker machines No Bottleneck!! Consumers @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Replicate to get fault tolerance leader msg Machine A @gamussa Machine B replicate msg #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Replication provides resiliency A ‘replica’ takes over on machine failure @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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High-level Architecture Application Application Application Native Client library Kafka Streams Load Balancer * REST Proxy Schema Registry Zookeeper Nodes Kafka Brokers @gamussa Kafka Connect #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Bare minimum Kafka Brokers @gamussa Zookeeper Nodes #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Workloads Deployment @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Helm Charts @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Helm Charts @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Helm Charts @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Kafka deployment checklist PVC for Storage Uses ZK Headless Svc StatefulSet for 3-node zk PVC for Storage Optional Pod Anti-Affinity to spread the ZK ensemble across nodes StatefulSet for n-node Kafka Headless Service A group of NodePort Services for external traffic ConfigMap for Prometheus JMX exporter ConfigMap for Prometheus JMX exporter @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Meet Kubernetes Operator @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Kubernetes Operator Embedded with operational knowledge of both data software and Kubernetes Backup/restore Scale up/down Rebalance data Regular health checks @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Controller Brain behind Kubernetes resources e.g. replication controller, namespace controller etc. @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Custom Resource Definition(CRD) Extend existing Kubernetes API API StatefulSet ReplicaSet ... CRD Controller StatefulSet Controller ReplicaSet Controller ... Custom Controller ReplicaSet ... Custom Resource Instance @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ StatefulSet @confluentinc

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Custom Resource Definition(CRD) Usually works together Custom Controller API StatefulSet ReplicaSet ... CRD Controller StatefulSet Controller ReplicaSet Controller ... Custom Controller ReplicaSet ... Custom Resource Instance @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ StatefulSet @confluentinc

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Custom Resource Definition(CRD) Users can create and access Customer Resources with kubectl, just as they do for built-in API StatefulSet ReplicaSet ... CRD Controller StatefulSet Controller ReplicaSet Controller ... Custom Controller ReplicaSet ... Custom Resource Instance StatefulSet resources like pods. @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Operator Deploy and Manage your production streaming platform with Confluent Operator. Automated Provisioning Platform Operations Resiliency Monitoring @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Confluent Platform Reference Architecture Each Confluent Platform component has specific characteristics: Security (SSL certificates) DNS names and zones Application Application Application Native Client library Kafka Streams Load Balancer * Schema Registry REST Proxy Kafka Connect Host selection Fault tolerance Kafka Brokers Scaling @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc Zookeeper Nodes

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Confluent Operator: Automated Provisioning Load Balancer Kafka Pod Kafka Pod Kafka Pod Storage @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Confluent Operator: Scale Horizontally Automate scaling: Spin up new broker pod(s) Distribute partitions to the new broker(s) Determine balancing plan Execute balancing plan Monitor resources @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Confluent Operator: Rolling Upgrade Automated rolling upgrade with no downtime for Kafka. Stop broker Wait for leader election to complete Start broker with new version Wait for zero under-replicatedpartitions Repeat @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Will it fly? Let’s see @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Confluent Operator Automate provisioning Scale your Kafkas and CP clusters elastically Monitor SLAs through Confluent Control Center or Prometheus Operate at scale with enterprise support from Confluent @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Advanced use cases vs. @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Don’t despair! @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc

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Resources and Next Steps #kubernetes @gamussa #BOSDataDay @confluentinc

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Thanks! @gamussa @gamussa #BOSDataDay @ @confluentinc