Crossing the Streams: Rethinking Stream Processing with KStreams and KSQL

A presentation at DevNexus 2019 in March 2019 in Atlanta, GA, USA by Viktor Gamov

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Crossing the Streams: Rethinking Stream Processing with Kafka Streams and KSQL DEVNEXUS 2019 | @tlberglund | @gamussa

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@gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Raffle, yeah 🚀 Follow @gamussa 📸🖼👬 Tag @gamussa @tlberglund @tlberglund With #devnexus

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Streaming is the toolset for dealing with events as they move! @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Java Apps with Kafka Streams or KSQL Serving Layer (Microservices, Elastic, etc.) API based clustering High Throughput Continuous Streaming platform Computation @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Apache Kafka Event Streaming Platform 101

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Event Streaming Platform Architecture Application Application Application KSQL Native Client library Kafka Streams Kafka Streams Load Balancer * REST Proxy Schema Registry Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers @gamussa | Zookeeper Nodes @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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The log is a simple idea New Old Messages are added at the end of the log @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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The log is a simple idea New Old Messages are added at the end of the log @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Consumers have a position all of their own Ricardo is here Scan New Old Robin is here Scan Viktor is here @gamussa | Scan @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Consumers have a position all of their own Ricardo is here Scan New Old Robin is here Viktor is here Scan @gamussa | @tlberglund | Scan #DEVnexus

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Consumers have a position all of their own Ricardo is here Scan New Old Robin is here @gamussa | Viktor is here Scan @tlberglund | #DEVnexus Scan

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Only Sequential Access Old Read to offset & scan @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus New

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Shard data to get scalability Producer (1) Producer (2) Producer (3) Messages are sent to different partitions Cluster of machines Partitions live on different machines @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Linearly Scalable Architecture Producers Single topic: - Many producers machines - Many consumer machines - Many Broker machines No Bottleneck!! Consumers @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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!// in-memory store, not persistent Map<String, Integer> groupByCounts = new HashMap!<>(); try (KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer!<>(consumerProperties()); KafkaProducer<String, Integer> producer = new KafkaProducer!<>(producerProperties())) { consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(“A”, “B”)); while (true) { !// consumer poll loop ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { String key = record.key(); Integer count = groupByCounts.get(key); if (count !== null) { count = 0; } count += 1; groupByCounts.put(key, count); } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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!// in-memory store, not persistent Map<String, Integer> groupByCounts = new HashMap!<>(); try (KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer!<>(consumerProperties()); KafkaProducer<String, Integer> producer = new KafkaProducer!<>(producerProperties())) { consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(“A”, “B”)); while (true) { !// consumer poll loop ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { String key = record.key(); Integer count = groupByCounts.get(key); if (count !== null) { count = 0; } count += 1; groupByCounts.put(key, count); } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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!// in-memory store, not persistent Map<String, Integer> groupByCounts = new HashMap!<>(); try (KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer!<>(consumerProperties()); KafkaProducer<String, Integer> producer = new KafkaProducer!<>(producerProperties())) { consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(“A”, “B”)); while (true) { !// consumer poll loop ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { String key = record.key(); Integer count = groupByCounts.get(key); if (count !== null) { count = 0; } count += 1; groupByCounts.put(key, count); } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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!// in-memory store, not persistent Map<String, Integer> groupByCounts = new HashMap!<>(); try (KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer!<>(consumerProperties()); KafkaProducer<String, Integer> producer = new KafkaProducer!<>(producerProperties())) { consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(“A”, “B”)); while (true) { !// consumer poll loop ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { String key = record.key(); Integer count = groupByCounts.get(key); if (count !== null) { count = 0; } count += 1; groupByCounts.put(key, count); } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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while (true) { !// consumer poll loop ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { String key = record.key(); Integer count = groupByCounts.get(key); if (count !== null) { count = 0; } count += 1; groupByCounts.put(key, count); } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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while (true) { !// consumer poll loop ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofSeconds(5)); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { String key = record.key(); Integer count = groupByCounts.get(key); if (count !== null) { count = 0; } count += 1; !// actually doing something useful groupByCounts.put(key, count); } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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if (counter!++ % sendInterval !== 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> groupedEntry : groupByCounts.entrySet()) { ProducerRecord<String, Integer> producerRecord = new ProducerRecord!<>(“group-by-counts”, groupedEntry.getKey(), groupedEntry.getValue()); producer.send(producerRecord); } consumer.commitSync(); } } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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if (counter!++ % sendInterval !== 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> groupedEntry : groupByCounts.entrySet()) { ProducerRecord<String, Integer> producerRecord = new ProducerRecord!<>(“group-by-counts”, groupedEntry.getKey(), groupedEntry.getValue()); producer.send(producerRecord); } consumer.commitSync(); } } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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if (counter!++ % sendInterval !== 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> groupedEntry : groupByCounts.entrySet()) { ProducerRecord<String, Integer> producerRecord = new ProducerRecord!<>(“group-by-counts”, groupedEntry.getKey(), groupedEntry.getValue()); producer.send(producerRecord); } consumer.commitSync(); } } } @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Talk is cheap! Show me code!

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Every framework Wants to be when it grows up Scalable Elastic Stateful @gamussa Fault-tolerant Distributed | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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@gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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the KAFKA STREAMS API is a JAVA API to BUILD REAL-TIME APPLICATIONS @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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App Not running inside brokers! Streams API @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Same app, many instances App Streams API @gamussa | App Streams API @tlberglund App Streams API | Brokers? Nope! #DEVnexus

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Before Processing Cluster Shared Database Your Job @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus Dashboard

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After Dashboard APP Streams API @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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this means you can DEPLOY your app ANYWHERE using WHATEVER TECHNOLOGY YOU WANT @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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So many places to run you app! …and many more… @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Things Kafka Stream Does Enterprise Support Open Source Powerful Processing incl. Filters, Transforms, Joins, Aggregations, Windowing Runs Everywhere Supports Streams and Tables @gamussa | Elastic, Scalable, Fault-tolerant Exactly-Once Processing @tlberglund | Kafka Security Integration Event-Time Processing #DEVnexus

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Talk is cheap! Show me code!

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Talk is cheap! Show me code!

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Do you think that’s a table you are querying ?

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The Stream-Table Duality Table Alice €50 (balance) Stream (payments) Alice + €50 Alice €50 €50 Alice €75 €75 Alice €15 Bob €18 €18 Bob €18 Bob €18 Bob

  • €18 Alice
  • €25 Alice – €60 time @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Talk is cheap! Show me code!

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What’s next?

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Coding Sophistication Lower the bar to enter the world of streaming Core developers who use Java/Scala streams Core developers who don’t use Java/Scala Data engineers, architects, DevOps/SRE BI analysts User Population @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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KSQL #FTW ksql> 1 UI 2 @gamussa POST /query CLI | 3 @tlberglund REST | #DEVnexus 4 Headless

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Interaction with Kafka KSQL (processing) JVM application Kafka with Kafka Streams (processing) (data) Does not run on Kafka brokers Does not run on Kafka brokers @gamussa | @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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Standing on the shoulders of Streaming Giants Ease of use KSQL Powered by KSQL Kafka Streams Powered by Producer, Consumer APIs @gamussa | Flexibility @tlberglund | #DEVnexus

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One last thing…

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Thanks! @gamussa @tlberglund We are hiring! @gamussa | @ @tlberglund | #DEVnexus